Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Skate JAM JAM 2010!

Now that the dry season is kinda officially here, we present to you the first skate comp for 2010! details are above! any questions just holla!


  1. Is this like king of park!?

  2. Sorry for the late reply, but no it is not like king of the park. It is just one event It is a Jam Session through the park for 8 min with a bunch of skaters all at once. King of the park will be in april.

  3. hey joser! there gnna be another skate jam any time soon?

  4. The dry season is not officially here, sad to say. Global warming has this tropical island on a surprise program. Weather officials say that it'll be dry for the entire week and next thing you know, it rains six days out of that week. So, whenever it's dry I'll want to ride.
